『大特価【ARS鑑定品 Grade10+】現状世界に一枚 遊戯王 Dark Magician 北米版 ブラック・マジシャン』はセカイモンで7a6feaa48f58eaから出品され、251の入札を集めて04月03日 2時 14分に、16800円で落札されました。即決価格は16800円でした。決済方法はに対応。岩手県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
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Card Name: Dark Magician
Brand: Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game
Expansion: MEGA TIN 2016
Release: 2016
Card ID: CT13-EN003
Rarity: Ultra Rare
カード名称: ブラック・マジシャン
ブランド: Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game
収録: MEGA TIN 2016
発行年: 2016
型番: CT13-EN003
レアリティ: Ultra RareEnglish“ARS” is an Authentication/Grading service by a Japanese company.featureA top-class special case made for displaying and preserving cards・By using a special material, it is extremely strong and boasts outstanding transparency.・It is designed to preserve the card semi-permanently according to the standard that minimizes the stress on the card.・By sealing with ultrasonic waves, the card can be protected from scratches, dirt, and moisture.【face】・In order to highlight the attractiveness of the card, the stainless steel caption has a simple design that focuses on detailed information such as the card name, release year, recorded bullets, and rarity.【back side】・By listing the grade on the back side, the design is designed to maximize the original charm of the card.・On the back side, a two-dimensional barcode that allows you to check the grade and its details is written, and you can check detailed information such as the number of appraisals by reading it.In addition, to prevent counterfeiting, laser engraving is performed using the latest technology.In the case of authentication only (case-in service), there is no grade score notation and appraisal number on the back of the caption.・The design and materials of the case/caption are subject to change at any time.Please see the official website for details.ARS grades are particularly particular about their condition and are popular with Japanese collectors.It will be an exhibition of the popular Main Character card, ARS appraisal product Grade 10+ Dark Magician Quarter Century Secret Rare.I was able to get Grade10+.Even with modern cards, it is difficult to get 10 or more in Yu-Gi-Oh, and I can feel the beauty of the condition of ARS Grade 10 or more compared to the PSA 10 cards mine. It comes in a sturdy case and has a luxurious feel.How about collection and interior?・NotesDue to the nature of the case, there may be scratches or dust attached. Please note that it has not been taken out of the pack that came with it when it arrived.Also, although the appraisal product is guaranteed to have a score, please understand that it is not necessarily a perfect product.In order to prevent replacement, we cannot accept returns. Please note that we may cancel the bid depending on the evaluation.